Portland, OR
Natgun Water Storage Tanks
DN Tanks (formerly Natgun) designs and constructs prestressed concrete liquid storage tanks. The tanks are American Water Works Association (AWWA) D110 prestressed wire-wound concrete tanks that incorporate precast concrete panels. SGH developed a seismic design procedure for the domes and peer reviewed the tank designs. We used the procedure to design a number of tanks constructed in high seismic regions.
SGH provided the following services:
- Reviewed seismic designs for prestressed concrete tanks
- Assessed compliance to governing codes, including the California Building Code, American Society of Civil Engineers’ Minimum Design Loads For Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7), AWWA D110, American Concrete Institute 350.3, and the International Building Code
- Developed a procedure for designing precast and cast-in-place concrete domes for use in high seismic areas
- Evaluated the new procedure by performing detailed finite element analyses
- Conducted laboratory testing of a cored wall to assess the bond strength of the steel diaphragm within the composite wall cross-section
- Applied the procedure to the seismic design of several tanks
Project Summary
New Construction
Structures | Advanced Analysis | Applied Science & Research
Infrastructure & Transportation
DN Tanks
Specialized Capabilities
Seismic Engineering | Computational Mechanics | Physical Testing
Key team members

Additional Projects
Cholla Power Plant
Arizona Public Service Company (APS) chose SGH to perform a condition assessment and develop repairs for the circulating water pipelines at the Cholla Power Plant.
Golden Gate Bridge North Anchorage Housing
The District determined the bridge could not reliably survive a repeat of the Great 1906 San Francisco earthquake and elected to undertake a multi-phase retrofit of the structure and foundations.