New Haven, CT
Yale School of Medicine, Sterling Hall of Medicine, B-Wing Extension
Named in honor of philanthropist John William Sterling, Yale’s Sterling Hall of Medicine was dedicated in 1925. The school wanted to extending the building’s B-wing over an existing loading dock and renovate the existing building. The project includes a three-story addition housing laboratory and office space for the Center for Drug Discovery and renovations to 24,000 sq ft of office, laboratory, and support space for the Department of Pharmacology. SGH was the structural engineer of record for the project.
SGH designed the addition’s structure that is supported from four cruciform mega-columns, maximizing the open space for the loading dock beneath the structure. Highlights of our work include:
- Developing a system of story-deep trusses to support the building and transfer most of the superstructure loads to the four mega-columns
- Designing a moment frame for the superstructure to maximize flexibility for the laboratory program
- Detailing truss connections to expedite fabrication and shop drawing reviews
- Updating the loading dock with a new high-performance pavement system
Project Summary
New Construction
Payette Associates Inc.
Key team members

Additional Projects
Tufts University Boat House
As engineer of record, SGH worked with Peterson Architects to design the 10,000 sq ft steel-framed structure.
Hamilton College, Kevin and Karen Kennedy Center for Theatre and the Studio Arts
Knowing that many of their arts programs were outgrowing the existing spaces, Hamilton College sought to develop new facilities to serve their growing needs. SGH provided building enclosure consulting services for the Kennedy Center.