Worcester, MA
Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital
The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health wanted to expand their treatment resources with a new hospital facility. Supporting numerous functions, the building features a variety of floor finishes on concrete slabs. SGH consulted on the flooring assemblies’ design and installation to help the project team achieve long-term performance, since access to this area would be restricted after it is put in service.
SGH tested concrete floors for moisture to determine if the moisture levels were in the acceptable range required by the flooring manufacturers. SGH staff certified as Slab Moisture Testing Technicians by the International Concrete Repair Institute tested the moisture vapor emission rate and the relative humidity of the concrete floor slabs per ASTM International protocols. For areas with resilient flooring, we also tested the concrete pH.
Based on our testing results, SGH advised the project team of the effects the recorded moisture levels may have on the performance of the flooring systems and recommended installing a moisture mitigation coating at certain areas.
We assisted the project team in selecting appropriate moisture mitigation systems for the various floor finishes and required system durability. During construction, we monitored installation of the moisture mitigation coating system, including reviewing concrete surface preparation, measuring the dry and wet film coating thickness to compare with the manufacturers’ requirements, and observing installation of the leveling underlayment material.
Project Summary
Key team members