Bethesda, MD
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Warrior Transition Unit
Wounded service members receive support and rehabilitation at warrior transition units to help them successfully return to military or civilian status. With the closing of Walter Reed Medical Center, the U.S. government sought to relocate the warrior transition unit to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The relocated warrior transition unit includes a new enlisted bachelors’ quarters for recovering soldiers; re-use of an existing structure for new administrative office space; and a new addition with parking, a pool, and gymnasium facilities. SGH consulted on the building enclosure design and construction for both the existing and new buildings.
SGH worked closely with the Clark Nexsen/Whiting Turner design-build team to establish and execute the building enclosure design. Highlights of our work include the following:
- Evaluated proposed concepts for adding insulation to the existing mass masonry walls and recommended solutions that allowed the historic facade to be retained
- Evaluated in situ below-grade waterproofing and developed a system to manage incidental water penetration
- Consulted on remedial strengthening concepts for upgrading the existing masonry walls for blast loading
- Developed concepts for establishing air barrier continuity between new windows and existing mass masonry walls
- Assisted the contractor by consulting on a series of mockups
Project Summary
Key team members