Los Angeles, CA
UCLA Child Care Center
Water was leaking into the child care center, located on the top floor of the Westwood Marketplace at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). SGH investigated the cause of leakage and designed repairs.
SGH completed a field investigation, including a visual survey to assess the condition of the roofing, water testing to identify leakage paths, and observations at exploratory openings to document the existing construction. We determined water was leaking through the mechanical penthouse assemblies and walls and also through localized areas of the main roof flashing. However, the main roof was generally performing well.
To help the owner plan and budget for repairs, SGH initially developed conceptual repairs and collaborated with a roofing and waterproofing contractor to develop cost estimates for the proposed work. We then designed repairs and developed construction documents for replacing mechanical penthouse roofs, performing localized repairs to the main roof, and applying an elastomeric coating to the penthouse walls. SGH provided construction administration services, including reviewing submittals to compare with the design intent, observing ongoing construction to compare with the project requirements, developing solutions for as-built conditions discovered during construction, and performing qualitative adhesion testing of the elastomeric coating to evaluate surface preparation and priming.
Project Summary
Key team members