Martinez, CA
Timber Approach to Trestle Repair
The 1,900 ft long timber-framed approach trestle exhibited damage and deterioration due to aging and required repairs to maintain the function and structural integrity. SGH developed a comprehensive rehabilitation plan that allowed the trestle to remain fully operational during construction and minimized the impact to the protected marsh environment surrounding the refinery terminal.
Based on observed conditions, SGH developed repair schemes for the aging timber trestle and prioritized them based on their relative impact on safety, environment, and operations, if postponed. We worked with the owner to establish a rehabilitation plan that fit within the existing capital planning process, coordinated with other maintenance projects, and coincided with critical permitting times for in-water work at the environmentally-sensitive site.
Highlights of our work include the following:
- Surveyed accessible trestle components above the waterline to document existing conditions and the extent of damage
- Designed repair schemes for timber components and coordinated with marine contractors to develop cost-efficient designs
- Prioritized repairs and provided order-of-magnitude cost estimates
- Developed a multi-phase rehabilitation program that allowed the terminal to spread repair costs over multiple budgetary cycles
- Specified marine construction best management practices to minimize environmental impact
- Designed repairs that could be performed from the trestle, which reduced the need for construction equipment and crews to work within the marsh
SGH worked closely with the contractor and the client’s environmental permitting team to help obtain the necessary construction permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, SF Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and the local Regional Water Quality and Control Board.