Washington, DC
The Catholic University of America, Garvey Hall
Recognizing that gathering for meals is an important part of campus life, The Catholic University of America (Catholic) sought to expand their campus dining facilities with the hopes of reducing the growing lines and insufficient seating in the existing Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center. Catholic undertook a project to construct new dining commons. Garvey Hall offers seating for 400 people along with outdoor gathering areas. SGH provided construction-phase building enclosure services for the new structure that replicates the Collegiate Gothic Style of the existing campus architecture, while incorporating contemporary modern building materials and practices.
The new dining hall replicates the appearance of the campus’s historic architecture with contemporary building materials and practices. SGH consulted on the design and construction of below-grade waterproofing, exterior wall assemblies, windows, and roofing. Highlights of our work include:
- Reviewing the proposed building enclosure design and recommending ways to improve performance and constructability
- Consulting on the ashlar stone-clad exterior walls designed as a rainscreen with modern waterproofing and flashing details, while appearing as transitional mass masonry walls
- Reviewing window shop drawings and requests for information related to material issues, substitution requests, and detailing changes
- Helping address field conditions and developing details, including two- and three- dimensional sketches to address existing conditions, integrate adjacent enclosure systems, and help the project team achieve the intended design and performance
- Visiting the site to observe the in-progress installation of the below-grade waterproofing, wall assemblies, roofing, and fenestration
Project Summary
Key team members