Wethersfield, CT
StormTech, Inc., Stormwater Chambers
StormTech manufactures underground molded polypropylene chambers for stormwater retention systems. With no design standards available for these structures, StormTech asked SGH to assess the structural performance of the chambers and develop design procedures.
Polypropylene is a thermoplastic with excellent durability, but with time-dependent strength and stiffness properties. Highlights of our evaluation and analyses of the polypropylene chambers include the following:
- Adapted AASHTO design procedures for thermoplastic pipe to the evaluate of the chambers
- Conducted computer simulations under earth and live loading conditions
- Monitored full-scale field tests to evaluate performance under live loads and earth loads in excess of those anticipated during service
Based on our work for this project, SGH authored ASTM F2418 standardizing design criteria and laboratory test methods.
Project Summary
Repair & Rehabilitation
Advanced Analysis | Applied Science & Research
Infrastructure & Transportation
Stormtech, Division of Ads, Inc.
Specialized Capabilities
Buried Infrastructure | Physical Testing
Key team members

Jesse Beaver
Head of Engineering Mechanics and Infrastructure
Additional Projects
Hultman Aqueduct
Following the completion of the MetroWest Water Supply Tunnel, MWRA was able to dewater a section of the Hultman Aqueduct for the first time since its construction in the late 1930s. SGH conducted a condition inspection of the 1.8 mi long, dewatered section of the aqueduct.
Lower Falls Pedestrian Bridge No. P40
The structure is a former railroad bridge spanning the Charles River near Newton Lower Falls. The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) proposed to convert the abandoned railroad bridge to pedestrian use. SGH evaluated the existing bridge structure and developed a rehabilitation plan.