Concord, NH
St. Paul's School, Ohrstrom Library
Ohrstrom Library, built in the early 1990s, features sloped roofs and brick cladding with a stone base. School personnel reported deteriorating masonry and water leakage at multiple locations. SGH investigated the condition of the building enclosure and designed repairs.
Our investigation included reviewing reports by others and original design documents, surveying the building’s interior and exterior, observing concealed conditions and construction at exploratory openings, and conducting water testing to identify leakage paths.
We developed remedial options for the school’s consideration and developed a rehabilitation plan that included:
- Metal through-wall flashing under coping stones, parapet caps, the chimney cap, and window bay sills
- Masonry repairs and supplemental anchorage
- New roofing with backup waterproofing over projecting bay windows
- Flashing on windows and doors and on the back of exposed parapets
- Terrace waterproofing with base flashing
SGH provided construction administration services for the repair work, including reviewing submittals, visiting the site to observe ongoing construction, and helping the contractor address field conditions.
Project Summary
Key team members