Sonoma County, CA
Sonoma County Water Agency, Transmission System Pipeline
The Sonoma County Water Agency manages a regional water supply to ensure its customers have access to clean water. Wanting to preserve their assets, the agency needed to understand the condition of their aging transmission system pipelines to help identify deterioration and plan for repairs. SGH performed petrographic and metallurgical analyses on extracted pipeline coupons to help with this evaluation.
SGH evaluated coupons extracted from the steel transmission system pipelines, some with and without cement mortar lining, to identify any deleterious conditions. Highlights of our work include the following:
- Performing petrographic analyses on cement mortar lining samples to evaluate its ability to provide corrosion protection to the steel; look for signs of segregation, carbonation, chloride contamination, or alkali-silica reaction; and identify any other characteristics or constituents that could lead to mortar deterioration
- Conducting microscopic evaluations of steel pipe coupons to measure section loss and analyze corrosion
- Reviewing water analysis reports to investigate whether there is any correlation between the observed deterioration and water chemistry
- Summarizing our findings and recommendations for the agency’s review
Project Summary
Repair & Rehabilitation
Applied Science & Research | Advanced Analysis
Infrastructure & Transportation
Sonoma County Water Agency
Specialized Capabilities
Buried Infrastructure | Microscopy
Key team members

Jesse Beaver
Head of Engineering Mechanics and Infrastructure
Additional Projects
MBTA Park Street Station
SGH assisted the contractor by reviewing the proposed shoring requirements and suggesting alternate means and methods that allowed them to successfully accomplish the work.
Central Arizona Project
SGH evaluated the failure risk resulting from the loss of prestress, determined pipe repair priorities, and subsequently designed post-tensioning repairs and safe excavation for the repair pipe.