Kobe, Japan
Procter & Gamble Company, Far East Headquarters
The 500,000 sq ft, thirty-one-story building with an attached twelve-story technical research center houses Procter & Gamble’s (P&G’s) headquarters and research facilities for its Far East operations. Following the 1995 Kobe earthquake, P&G commissioned SGH to determine the extent of earthquake damage and recommend repairs.
SGH worked with engineers from the Japanese corporation, Takenaka, the designers and builders of the facility. Highlights of our work include the following:
- Performed general field surveys of the damage to steel members and their connections, concrete elements, exterior cladding, mechanical systems, and building contents
- Conducted a time-history analysis to determine the effect of the earthquake on the structural frame that comprises steel-braced frames in an exposed megastructure in the long direction and concentric- and eccentric-braced frames in the short direction
- Performed detailed structural inspections and testing
- Evaluated structural damage to both the steel superstructure and concrete foundation elements
- Assessed the safety of the damaged structure
- Performed a seismic hazard study of the risk of future earthquakes at the site
- Provided recommendations for repair and upgrade of the building
Project Summary
Failure Investigation
Structures | Performance & Code Consulting
Procter & Gamble, Inc.
Specialized Capabilities
Seismic Engineering | Risk & Resilience Assessment
Key team members