Washington, DC
ORE 82, 82 Eye Street SW
Located in Washington DC’s rapidly developing Navy Yard neighborhood, ORE 82 is just blocks away from the U.S. Capitol and Nationals Park. The new mixed-use building at 82 Eye St SW includes 220 apartments over ground-level retail and below-grade parking. Residents enjoy many features, including large windows, private balconies, and an expansive roof deck with a pool. SGH consulted on the building enclosure and fire life safety design.
SGH assisted with the design of below-grade waterproofing; wall air barriers, waterproofing, and brick cladding; windows; and roofing. Highlights of our work include:
- Establishing performance expectations, evaluating enclosure product and system options, and assisting the project team in selecting systems
- Developing details to address typical enclosure conditions and to integrate the various systems, including waterproofing, brick and metal panel rainscreen cladding, window wall systems, roofing systems, and assemblies at hardscape and landscape overburden on the amenity terrace
- Consulting on waterproofing and drainage design for bioretention planters and rooftop amenity pool features
- Assisting the project team during the bid phase to answer bidders’ questions, review proposed alternates, and evaluate subcontractor bids
- Providing construction phase services, including reviewing contractor submittals, observing building enclosure construction, and assisting the team with resolving unforeseen and as-built conditions
- Witnessing third-party water penetration resistance and air infiltration tests on installed windows and curtain walls, and flood testing of representative roof systems
SGH also consulted on the fire life safety code compliance approach. We prepared a report summarizing allowable height and area, construction type, high-rise requirements, fire protection systems, means of egress, and structural fire protection. To facilitate the approvals process, we met with code officials about interpretative aspects of project code compliance.
Project Summary
Key team members