Seoul, South Korea
KORI Unit 3 Nuclear Power Plant, Periodic Safety Review Seismic Qualification
Kori Unit 3 is a 900 MW pressurized water reactor that has been in service since 1985. All operating nuclear power plants in Korea are required to perform a Periodic Safety Review (PSR) every ten years against eleven safety elements per the Korean nuclear safety authority, and review of seismic qualification of safety-related equipment is one of these elements. Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) retained SGH to perform an experience-based seismic adequacy verification for equipment important to safety as part of the PSR for Kori Unit 3.
The equipment is reviewed against current safety standards and practice to ensure safety throughout the plant’s operating lifetime. The licensing basis safe shutdown earthquake of Kori Unit 3 is the U.S. Regulatory Guide 1.60 spectral shape anchored to 0.2g peak ground acceleration.
A seismic PSR typically includes the following tasks:
- Development of seismic equipment list (SEL)
- Review of on-site seismic qualification documents
- Seismic walkdown review and screening of seismically rugged SEL items
- Seismic capacity evaluations of screened-in items
- Independent peer review
SGH’s engineers, who were certified by Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) in the use of earthquake experience-based methods, conducted the PSR seismic review. The earthquake experience-based approach has been used to address the USI A-46 issue of the older operating plants in the United States.
Project Summary
Key team members
![Gregory Hardy](
![Kyuho Hwang](
![Mr. Wen-How Tong](