Mount Olive, NJ
ITC Crossing
During construction of the ITC Crossing development, sections of corrugated metal pipe (CMP) and reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) in the storm drainage system were found to be structurally distressed and damaged. SGH investigated the extent and cause of the problems and developed repairs.
Our investigation included reviewing project documents, inspecting the pipe interior remotely by video and directly by entering the pipe, examining the installation at test pit excavations, and performing laboratory testing on core samples extracted from the RCP.
We observed structural distress, damage, and deformation in many locations on both the CMP and RCP throughout the storm drainage system.
SGH performed finite element analyses to estimate stresses and stability under dead and live loads for the deflected pipe. These analyses included evaluating post-yield capacity of over-deflected sections of CMP. We determined repairs were necessary to restore the structural and functional integrity of the pipe in many locations, and recommended the following remedial work:
- Replacing the most severely deflected sections of CMP
- Constructing a cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) along distressed sections of the CMP and sections of the RCP with wide cracks
- Repairing joints in the CMP and RCP using localized repair bands and spot fiberglass repairs
SGH identified locations needing repair, evaluated remedial options for each condition, and developed repair details and specifications. We provided construction administration services, including field monitoring of all remedial work.
Project Summary
Key team members