Newport Beach, CA
Indian Valley Reservoir
The Indian Valley Reservoir provides long-term irrigation storage and flood control. A 2010 inspection report recommended seismic analyses of the floodgates and control structure to confirm the gates could be raised following a earthquake. SGH evaluated the seismic performance of the two structures.
SGH assessed the expected performance of the structures in a maximum design earthquake when the reservoir water level is at its maximum level under normal operating conditions. Highlights of our work include the following:
- Developed finite element models of the reinforced concrete control structure and steel radial arm tainter gates
- Evaluated the control structure for uncracked and cracked conditions
- Analyzed the gates for both downstream and cross-steam loading
- Compared the anticipated demands to the structures’ capacities
- Concluded a maximum design earthquake should not cause deformations or damage that would prevent the gates from opening
Project Summary
Repair & Rehabilitation
Structures | Advanced Analysis | Performance & Code Consulting
Infrastructure & Transportation
Sage Engineers, Inc.
Specialized Capabilities
Marine & Civil Works | Roofing & Waterproofing | Computational Mechanics
Key team members

Additional Projects
Bay Area Rapid Transit, Earthquake Safety Program
Carrying about 360,000 commuters every day, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is an important part of the region’s transportation infrastructure. Under a term contract, SGH performed seismic assessments and assisted with upgrading this critical transit system.
Waukesha Water Utility Garage and Maintenance Building
The Waukesha Water Utility Garage and Maintenance Building, added in the early 1960s, houses storage and a break room on the first level and an L-shaped parking deck and mechanical rooms on the second level. SGH investigated the cause of leakage, and subsequently designed and oversaw repairs.