Idaho Falls, ID
Idaho National Laboratory, Advanced Test Reactor, Equipment Seismic Qualification
The Department of Energy uses the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory to test nuclear fuel systems and materials. SGH engineers performed the experienced-based seismic qualification of Seismic Category I equipment at the ATR to Performance Category 4 (PC-4) seismic criteria specified by DOE-STD-1020-2002.
SGH engineers screened the equipment following experience-based procedures of DOE/EH-0545 and through field walkdowns, quantitative analytical evaluations, and engineering judgment. Our experience-based equipment seismic qualification included comparison of seismic capacity and seismic demand, equipment caveat screening, anchorage verification, and interaction screening.
Equipment components not satisfying the DOE/EH-0545 screening procedures were designated as outliers. We subsequently seismically-qualified many of the outliers for PC-4 seismic criteria by implementing other methods, including further review of earthquake experience data beyond that implicit in DOE/EH-0545, additional seismic analysis, and engineering judgment.
We documented the Seismic Category I equipment seismic qualification and a series of supporting calculations. In addition, we developed a cross-referenced, sortable database of all information generated throughout the project, including extractable Screening Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS) for all equipment items with hyperlinks to photos.
Project Summary
Key team members