Towson, MD
Dulaney Towers
Dulaney Towers is a fourteen-story condominium building constructed around 1974. Owners complained of chronic leaks during rainstorms. SGH investigated the causes of leakage and designed repairs for the masonry-clad tower.
SGH completed a condition assessment of the building enclosure and performed water testing to determine leakage paths. We identified deficiencies in the multi-wythe exterior walls and waterproofing details, as well as deterioration of the balcony slabs.
We recommended repairs to the masonry walls, spandrel panels, and fenestration to limit water infiltration, structural assessment of the wall assembly, and concrete repairs to deteriorated balconies. SGH designed and provided construction administration services for a remedial program that included the following:
- Reconstructing deteriorated masonry parapets and walls supporting balconies
- Replacing windows, doors, and spandrel panels
- Installing remedial anchors to tie the outer wythe of brick masonry to the inner wythe of concrete masonry
- Repairing concrete on the balconies and applying a topside traffic coating and an underside anti-carbonation coating to mitigate ongoing corrosion of embedded reinforcement
- Coating the exterior masonry walls to reduce water penetration through the wall assembly
Project Summary
Key team members