Cambridge, MA
325 Binney Street
Seeking a high-efficiency building for its new science center, Moderna partnered with Alexandria Real Estate Equities to develop 325 Binney Street. The building at the One Kendall Square campus incorporates design strategies for achieving environmental resilience and lowering energy consumption with a goal to be the most sustainable laboratory building in Cambridge. SGH served as the building enclosure commissioning (BECx) provider.
SGH provided commissioning services for the building enclosure, including below-grade waterproofing, custom multistory curtain walls, exterior metal panel-clad walls, punched windows, large skylight assemblies, and roofing. Highlights of our work include:
- Helping establish performance expectations by developing the BECx plan/specification, and outlining testing requirements, project team roles and responsibilities, and procedures for documenting and resolving construction-related issues
- Reviewing the enclosure design, including the owner’s project requirements and the basis of design at critical phases, and providing recommendations to improve its performance, energy efficiency, and constructibility
- Providing construction phase services, including coordinating commissioning activities with the contractor, observing ongoing building enclosure installation to compare with the project requirements, and helping the contractor address field conditions
- Conducting air-infiltration and water-penetration testing of fenestration systems to help the owner verify their performance
- Completing infrared surveys of the exterior walls and roofs to identify thermal anomalies potentially associated with enclosure deficiencies, such as wet materials or air leakage
- Preparing a BECx report summarizing completed work, construction deviations, site observations, and executed performance testing
- Performing a follow-up review of the building enclosure ten months after occupancy
Project Summary
New Construction
Building Enclosures | Applied Science & Research
Commercial | Health Care & Life Sciences
Bard, Rao + Athanas Consulting Engineers
Specialized Capabilities
Commissioning | Facades & Glazing | Roofing & Waterproofing | Environmental Simulations
Key team members

Additional Projects
Havas Village
Designed by Sasaki for the new Boston-based headquarters of Havas/Arnold Worldwide, the interior fitout represents the edgy characteristics of the client while providing a welcoming and exciting workspace. SGH provided structural design services for the four-level interior fitout project.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, South Shore Headquarters
The new South Shore Headquarters for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA) balances function, sustainability, and architectural aesthetics with budget. SGH consulted on the building enclosure design and provided building science services for the new four-story, 333,000 sq ft building.