SGH Nuclear Structural Engineering Experts Participate in SMiRT 27 Conference in Japan

Several Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) team members recently participated in the proceedings at the 27th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 27) from 3-8 March in Yokohama, Japan. Based on the theme, “Next Generation Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology,” the conference convened experts from across the nuclear power industry to discuss ways to improve worldwide nuclear safety, long-term operation, communication between regulatory authorities and industries, and standardization of reactor-independent codes and standards.

SGH’s Abhinav Anup, Tim Graf, Fred Grant, Christopher Hewitt, Mohamed Talaat, and Kaniel Tilow attended the conference in person. Several SGH team members representing divisions across the United States presented and contributed to papers in the proceedings.
In addition, SGH’s Kaniel Tilow chaired the “Missile Impact and Debris Flow” and “Seismic Isolation” sessions, and Tim Graf co-chaired the “Seismic/Impact Design (2)” session.