SGH Principal Derrick Watkins Named ASCE Fellow

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Board of Direction has named Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) Principal Derrick Watkins as an ASCE Fellow. This prestigious honor, held by 3% of ASCE members, recognizes those who “have made celebrated contributions and developed creative solutions that change lives around the world.”
ASCE recognized Derrick for his nearly thirty-year career as a technical leader, structural engineer, entrepreneur, and innovator specializing in advanced analysis, impact modeling, and seismic assessment for mission-critical facilities and components. Beyond technical accomplishments, ASCE also noted his dedication to building and mentoring teams of engineers to help develop the next generation of industry leaders.
“I am honored to receive this distinction and humbled to be named to this roster of talented ASCE Fellows,” said Derrick. “I look forward to continuing my involvement with ASCE and working with my colleagues and peers to find solutions to complex challenges across the industry.”
Derrick is active in several industry organizations, including ASCE Committee 4 on Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures; ASCE Committee 43 on Seismic Design Criteria for Structures, Systems, and Components in Nuclear Facilities; and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Seismic Steering Committee. Before joining SGH in 2022, he co-founded several successful and fast-growing companies to serve clients in the Southern California and national markets, while pioneering and standardizing procedures and reporting for seismic certification of nonstructural components.