SGH Joins the SE 2050 Commitment Program to Reach Net Zero Embodied Carbon

Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) recently joined the Structural Engineers 2050 Commitment Program (SE 2050), which aims to reduce embodied carbon in structural systems to net zero by the year 2050. SGH pledged support for the initiative, which was developed by the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), in response to global calls to address climate change by the Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) and American Institute of Architects (AIA).
“SGH recognizes the urgency in reducing carbon emissions from the built environment and the importance of participation from structural engineers in setting and reaching embodied carbon reduction targets,” wrote SGH Head of Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics James Parker and Senior Consulting Engineer Mark Webster in a commitment letter to SEI Director Laura Champion. “We choose to join the growing community of structural engineering firms at the forefront of finding ways to reduce the embodied carbon of structures.”
As part of the commitment, SGH joins with other structural engineering firms to help reduce the amount of embodied carbon—the total CO2 emissions associated with construction—on future projects, with the goal of reaching net zero by 2050. To help reach these goals, SGH will establish an Embodied Carbon Action Plan (ECAP) to educate staff and clients on embodied carbon, implement embodied carbon reduction measures on future projects as appropriate, and share anonymized embodied carbon data for structural systems to a central SE 2050 database to develop baselines and future insights for the industry.
SGH recognizes the urgency in reducing carbon emissions from the built environment and the importance of participation from structural engineers in setting and reaching embodied carbon reduction targets.
SGH previously signed a letter of support for the SE 2050 Initiative to develop and formalize this program. Mark Webster serves as a member of the SE 2050 leadership group as head of resource development. He is a founding member and co-chair of SEI’s Sustainability Committee and also chairs its Carbon Working Group.