
The Importance of Quality Control Testing for Fenestration Products

June 13, 2017
The Importance of Quality Control Testing for Fenestration Products

Quality control (QC) testing for fenestration products during construction is an important step that allows project teams to catch potential performance issues when there is still a chance to address them before the building is in use. However, choosing the right QC testing program and incorporating it into the project’s specifications can be daunting.

There are several industry standards for specifying and testing newly installed fenestration products available. In a recent Construction Specifier article, “Referencing and Specifying Fenestration Field-Testing,” my colleagues, Evan Landis and Chrystal Chern, and I outlined these standards and discuss how to incorporate them into project specifications.  We also discuss how to interpret testing results. Ultimately, following a clear QC testing program can help a project team achieve a successful installation and avoid unnecessary rework.

Read the article.