
Quality Assurance Procedures for Repair of Concrete Pressure Pipes with CFRP Composites

December 30, 2011

This paper proposes quality assurance procedures to be followed prior to, during, and after repair of concrete pressure pipes with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) liners. A design framework for such repairs was recently proposed (Zarghamee et al. 2010). In this paper, the importance of and requirements for prequalification of the engineer, manufacturer, installer, and inspector; on-site verification of quality of construction, including material preparation, installation, curing, and post-installation inspection; and testing of CFRP are presented. The available guidelines for CFRP repair of other concrete structures are reviewed, existing requirements that are particularly important for repair of pipelines are highlighted, and modifications and additions to these requirements are discussed. Required physical and mechanical tests on the CFRP liner and associated testing standards are listed, and evaluation of the test results is presented.

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Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions – Proceedings of the Pipelines 2011 Conference, ASCEĀ