
Performance-Based Seismic Design

April 29, 2011

Nearly all buildings and structures today are designed to conform to the prescriptive strength, detailing and deflection limitations specified in the applicable building code and its referenced industry standards including the AISC Specification (AISC 360), Seismic Provisions (AISC 341), and Prequalified Connections (AISC 358). These requirements are intended to provide structures an ability to meet certain performance objectives such as resisting likely loading without failure, and normal loading without occupant discomfort. But in most cases, the ability of the structure to actually provide this performance is never evaluated. Performance-based design is an alternative approach, specifically permitted under Section 104 of the International Building Code, which permits building officials to approve any design or means of construction on the basis of satisfactory evidence that the completed construction will be capable of providing equivalent protection to the public as designs that conform to the code’s prescriptive requirements. This article provides a brief overview of performance-based design’s development history, recent advances in performance-based earthquake engineering and some recent applications of the technique to building design.

Read the article.


NASCC: The Steel Conference