Fifteen Years of Lessons Learned: Design and Construction of CFRP Liners for Large Diameter Pipelines

Strengthening of pressure pipelines using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials has been an accepted repair method since the late 1990’s. CFRP composites are high strength, non-corrosive and durable materials and can add considerable structural capacity which makes them very suitable for pressure pipeline strengthening. However, there are several keys to success and best practices with regard to material selection, design, construction and quality control. There are lessons learned through installations which have taken place over the past fifteen years. These include adoption of criteria for material selection, new design philosophies, termination end detailing and critical points during the construction process. This paper provides state of the art information regarding materials, design considerations, installer experiences and current best practices. Field case studies provide a comprehensive review of the use of CFRP composites.
Pipelines 2014: From Underground to the Forefront of Innovation and Sustainability