Facade Restoration is an Important Consideration of Any Redevelopment Project

Refurbishing an Oakland Icon.
As the world’s 20th-century curtainwall-clad building stock ages, building owners and restoration professionals are facing a new set of challenges distinctly different from those in other historic construction types. With questions of coating compatibility, sealing strategies, abatement procedures, and maintainability not seen in framed walls or masonry facades, the task of refurbishing these structures is a rapidly developing field in restoration technology. In this article, we present a case study of the 1221 Broadway office tower, an Oakland icon constructed in 1976. We explore the challenges encountered by the unique metal panel curtain wall architecture and materials used at the time of original construction, which presented a 45-year-old streaking problem that plagued the building’s windows. The solutions developed for the refurbishment of this project also provide a potential roadmap for designers refurbishing similar aging curtain wall assets.
Building Enclosure