
ASCE 31/41 Evaluation of Damaged Chilean Walled Buildings

May 30, 2013

The 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake resulted in significant damage to many mid- and high-rise shear wall buildings. Damage data on many of these buildings was collected by post-disaster reconnaissance teams and construction drawings were obtained from local design firms. This data collection enabled the evaluation of damaged buildings to determine the lessons learned for the advancement of U.S. codes and standards. A study of five mid-rise buildings was carried out as part of this evaluation program; three structures were severely damaged and two of them ultimately demolished, one building sustained minor damage and was repaired, and one building was reported to have no structural damage. The objectives of the study included evaluation of current assessment tools (ASCE/SEI 31-03 and 41-06) and evaluation of current analysis methods to predict observed damage. Assessment of ASCE/SEI 31 consisted of performing Tier 1 checklist evaluation to identify potential deficiencies. Deficiencies were then evaluated using the Tier 2 linear dynamic procedures of ASCE/SEI 31 and 41. The results of these evaluations are presented, along with recommendations for additional evaluation criteria for deficiencies observed in the buildings studied. The ability of current analysis methods to predict observed damage was evaluated by performing nonlinear dynamic analysis of one building using OpenSees and Perform3D structural analysis softwares. The results of these different analysis procedures are presented in this paper.

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2013 Structures Congress, Proceedings of the 2013 Structures Congress, May 2-4, 2013, Pittsburgh, PA, ASCE