Ankara, Türkiye

Türkiye Nuclear Energy Company


Türkiye Nuclear Energy Company (TÜNAŞ) is a state-owned, energy generation company pioneering the Turkish nuclear power transformation. TÜNAŞ collaborates with international partners to develop, construct, and operate nuclear power plants in Türkiye. SGH has a general agreement to provide as-needed technical and advisory services to TÜNAŞ in support of nuclear technology selection, siting, engineering design, computer code procurement, licensing, and in-house capacity building.

As an international advisor for TÜNAŞ, SGH is contracted to provide on-call consulting services and recommendations. In 2021, TÜNAŞ completed the first milestone in collaboration with SGH to develop a technology-inclusive owner’s requirements document. Our consulting commitment focuses on the following technical service areas:

  • Modeling of site-specific hazards using deterministic and probabilistic approaches, including earthquakes and seismic activity, floods, high winds, extreme temperature, and malevolent or accidental human actions
  • Site seismic response analyses and characterization of design-basis ground motions
  • Probabilistic and deterministic seismic soil-structure interaction analyses in the frequency and time domains
  • Nonlinear structure response analysis for aircraft impact
  • Design criteria, seismic safety categorization, and design of structures, systems, and components for normal operation, design-basis, and beyond-design-basis conditions
  • Seismic qualification of safety-related equipment by analysis, shake table testing, earthquake experience, and other methods
  • Seismic margin assessments and seismic probabilistic safety assessments of nuclear power plants in varying operation and shutdown states

Project Summary

New Construction | Repair & Rehabilitation
Advanced Analysis
Infrastructure & Transportation
Türkiye Nükleer Enerji Anonim Şirketi
Specialized Capabilities

Key team members

Mohamed Talaat
Mohamed Talaat
Technical Director
Philip Hashimoto
Philip Hashimoto
Senior Principal